Environmental Group with Ties to Nashville Has Plan to Defeat Donald Trump in 2020


Members of a left-leaning group who advocate for the Green New Deal who already have a presence in Tennessee have announced a three-part strategy to defeat President Donald Trump this election year.

Members of that organization, known as the Sunrise Movement, also say this strategy will help them elect legislators who will pass the New Green Deal into law.

Sunrise leaders said in a recent mass email to members nationwide that they plan to organize and disrupt institutions. They plan to target three states where Trump won by fewer than 80,000 votes.

“A margin of only 4,000 votes sent AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) to Congress where she has transformed the face of American politics and catapulted the Green New Deal into the national spotlight,” according to the Sunrise email.

“Polls are showing that the 2020 elections are going to come down to the wire again. Every vote is going to count. But the good news is that huge majorities of young people support the Green New Deal and we’re going to be the largest bloc of eligible voters in 2020. By turning out our generation in force in the primaries this spring and the general election in November, we can shake up Washington and pave the way for the decade of the Green New Deal.”

Third, members of the group plan to go on strike against people they describe as the “the wealthiest people who have ever existed on Earth.”

“The only way to get the political establishment to make the Green New Deal a priority in 2021 and beyond is by disrupting business as usual,” Sunrise leaders said.

“Young people around the world have already been doing this with the #ClimateStrike movement. This year, we’re going to turn up the heat, starting with massive strikes on Earth Day to make sure that the Green New Deal is THE story for 2020 as we head into the elections.”

According to the Sunrise Movement of Nashville’s Facebook page, members want to end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel money on our political system” and “make climate policy an urgent national priority.”

Members also will support representatives or candidates who refuse to take fossil fuel money and have a clear plan on climate change and are determined to make it a reality, the Facebook page went on to say.

Members of the group say on their national website that they are growing in number and are nonviolent in word and deed.

As The Tennessee Star reported in February, New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez released the Green New Deal resolution that’s become a central part of the Democratic agenda, including backing from 2020 candidates.

The “Green New Deal” resolution calls for “10-year national mobilizations” towards a series of goals aimed at fighting global warming, according to a copy of the bill obtained by NPR.

A separate fact-sheet claims the plan would “mobilize every aspect of American society on a scale not seen since World War 2.”

That includes getting all our energy needs from “clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources” by “dramatically expanding and upgrading existing renewable power sources.”

Cortez’s non-binding resolution calls for a variety of social justice and welfare state goals, including “a family-sustaining wage, adequate family and medical leave, paid vacations and retirement security” and “high-quality health care” benefits for Americans.

The resolution calls for “repairing historic oppression” among certain groups, including minorities, immigrants, women, low-income workers, indigenous people and youth collectively called “frontline and vulnerable communities.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].






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5 Thoughts to “Environmental Group with Ties to Nashville Has Plan to Defeat Donald Trump in 2020”

  1. Karen Bracken

    Who is going to pay for these grandiose ideas?? Just like with all communist governments (that is what this will achieve) the rich eventually run out of money and everyone lives in misery and poverty except of course those like AOC that are pushing the agenda but even puppets like AOC will be disposed of when they have served their purpose. Useful idiots come to mind.

  2. Karen Bracken

    FYI……Chattanooga was one of the few original beta sites for UN AGENDA 21.

    The Green New Deal is funded and pushed by Soros, the UN and other globalists that want to see global communism. Anyone that takes the time to do some real research knows this. The Green New Deal is just a rebranding of UN AGENDA 21/2030 Agenda that created a fake global boogie man in order to drive in their real agenda of global communism and control of all human activity which includes a huge reduction of the population….they cannot control 8 billion people but they can control 1-2 billion which is the population reduction goal. I am sure if you think real hard you can figure out how this reduction will be achieved.

    CO2 is the foundation of life. ALL LIFE. It is not bad. Reduce CO2 you reduce ALL life. Food does not grow. Animals die. Humans die. Abortion, vaccines, homosexuality, euthanasia all part of the plan too.

    AOC is a communist puppet as is most of the Democrat party.

    They have been instilling fear in children via the public schools since I was in elementary school 65 years ago and we are still here. Every time they miss their target date they just push a new date. Now we are told the end of the world is coming in 10 years. They will miss that date too. But with each new date more children are indoctrinated and they get closer to their real agenda.

    Remember, the issue is never the issue. It doesn’t matter what is true only what they can convince people is true.

    Those that created and delivered Agenda 21 (in America look no further than Bush Sr., Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, Blumenthall and Bill Clinton) were very clear about the real goal and in order to achieve that goal they had to create fear and a global boogie man. Climate was chosen. The fires in CA and now Australia are a product of this agenda.

    Don’t be fooled. Do whatever you can to get AOC and others like her out of government. Do whatever you can to get your kids out of the public school system because it is no longer about academics and nothing we will do at this point will change that. Charters and vouchers are also part of the plan to seal the deal in our schools which are now mental health wards designed to change the value and belief system of all future voters and tax payers.

  3. M. Flatt

    You know, the main reasons we had such a coordinated effort in the second World War are similar to the things this movement is against: Patriotism and a central mainstream message.

    While it’s fun to style one’s self as a martyr, to rebel for the sake of rebellion eventually leads to burnout. One of the main reasons the “Path of Least Resistance” exists is the fact that it works, and most everyone agrees that it works. If you insist on moving against the flow, it is reasonable to expect to experience some version of “push back”. Personally, I’m tired of the plight of the “marginalized”. If you don’t join in with the main story, expect to find yourself on the margin.

  4. Concerned!

    Sadly these kids believe the lies their there school teachers and College Professors are teaching them. The organizers no doubt are being paid by Soros Foundations. The schools and colleges long ago were Co-opt by the enemy. The plan of the “enemy” has worked. Take the schools and family you then control the culture.

    Is there a solution? My Hope is in God!

    1. Karen Bracken

      God and getting as many kids out of the system as possuble. If each person would take on one child we could make a huge impact. I am paying to send 2 kids to a Christian school that I vetted thoroughly. If I have to go back to work to pay for it I will but God willing those 2 will never step foot. in a public school. We need to direct our fight to our community and our families and save the kids ourselves. There are so many retires teachers. Why are thry not putting that education and experience to work in the community???
